Remote session

Do you need personalized advice, a helping hand, motivation and inspiration? Are you stuck, or unable to start your sorting, and wish to understand why and how to move forward? This privileged moment by phone or online with a Clarity consultant will unblock you and allow you to move forward.

Find well-being in your home

Are you overwhelmed by your interior and your objects? You can’t stop tidying and you feel overwhelmed and stressed by this situation? Our consultants will accompany you personally during a remote session. According to your needs, we will accompany you to declutter your home and to create a healthy and serene living environment.

What we offer?

Our remote sessions allow you to find balance in your inner self and your mind. Face to face, we listen carefully to your needs, we analyze your situation together, and we develop a detailed action plan so that you can complete your project. Comfortably installed at home, discover with your consultant the secrets of a successful sorting to finally reveal the full potential. Of your home and yourself.

A guide to decision making

We share with you our keys to identifying and dealing with tension-creating objects.

We will provide you with tips and tricks to make informed decisions about your objects, without judgment or pressure.

Implementation of an action plan

We give you concrete solutions adapted to your situation so that you can act and implement our method step by step.

Customized recommendations and advice

According to your needs and expectations, we suggest adequate storage and organization solutions. We also give you advice on how to arrange and enhance your interior.

The process of remote coaching

Discover the main steps of remote coaching with Clarity.

This process varies depending on your needs. Clarity is aware of the uniqueness of each individual and adapts to each situation.

1. Assessment of your needs

During an initial 20-minute telephone/video meeting, we define your needs together, your expectations and the expected outcomes of our collaboration. We explain our approach and advise you on the service best suited to your situation. This step is free of charge and without obligation. Following this exchange, an offer, as well as the preparation booklet (PDF), will be sent to you via email.

2. Consultation A – focused on sorting

  • Sortingà la Clarity“: our view of the method, our approach, our philosophy and our “instructions for use”
  • Diagnosis of the situation: discussion on the answers around the preparation booklet
  • Presentation of your closet and your interior
  • Definition of your “solo missions” (homework)

3. Consultation B – focused on optimal storage solutions

  • Exchange and advice on your blockages
  • Clarity storage: our point of view and approach
  • Tips and tricks for optimal storage, customized to your needs
  • Discussion of your “solo missions

4. Consultation C – review of your process

  • Discussion of your process and its impacts
  • Decluttering and then what?

Why work with us?

Certified and experienced home organizers

Marieke and Eliette, Clarity’s two home organizers, are certified Marie Kondo consultants. The first in Europe to have reached the Master level of this certification, they have many years of experience in decluttering, organizing and tidying.

Our values


Sorting out your home can be emotional. We adapt to all situations with gentleness and kindness. We listen to your personal story and move at your pace.


Whatever your situation, we always accompany you with respect. Without judgment, we help you find a balance and feel good about yourself in your home.


Each project is important to us. That’s why we are 100% committed to our assignments and are there for you from start to finish. We work together, with fellowship and good humor, to achieve your goals. 

Environmental awareness

We are responsible and respectful in our approach to the planet, and sensitive to issues related to overconsumption and our environmental impact.

Personalized and adapted help

Since each situation is different, our collaborations are entirely customized, according to your needs and expectations. You benefit from unique and personalized support as we work together hand-in-hand to achieve your goals.

Empathetic listening

Without judgment, we listen to your personal story and move at your pace.

Trusted by…

Discover the testimonial of our clients.

Are you interested in our approach?

Do you want to declutter your home and have a space where you feel good? Contact our home organizers, who will guide you in your project.

We have different support offers, adapted to your situation and your needs: remote session, moving assistance, senior services…